About AAPS

About AAPS

Approved Special Education Programs in and around Pennsylvania

Approved Private Schools are proud to have been serving special needs students throughout the state of Pennsylvania for over 50 years. Our duty is to ensure excellence in the education services provided for these students, whose complexity of education needs cannot appropriately be served in the typical public school special education program. Approved by the Secretary of Education, licensed by the Private Academic Schools office, and with funding by state appropriation and LEAs, APSs provide students with complex disabilities with a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).

Approved Special Education Programs in and around Pennsylvania

Our schools educate students who qualify under one or more of the following disability categories identified under federal IDEA regulations: Intellectual Disabilities, Multiple Disabilities, Autism, Developmental Delay (Birth to age 3), Specific Learning Disabilities, Deaf-Blindness, Deafness, Visual Impairments (including Blindness and Partial Sight), Other Health Impairments, Emotional Disturbance, Speech and Language Impairments, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Orthopedic Impairments.